notary Secrets

notary Secrets

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Certain contracts, like those involving the sale of goods over a certain value, may require notarization. The Civil Code of the Philippines states that contracts that have a value of more than PHP 500 must be notarized to be enforceable.

Persian meaning of this word is سردفتر means head of the office and their assistant called دفتریار. Both these persons should have bachelor's degree in law or master's degree in civil-law.

In Scotland, the duties and services provided by the notary are similar to England and Wales, although they are needed for some declarations in divorce matters for which they are not in England.

Notaries are generally required to undergo special training in the performance of their duties, often culminating in an examination and ongoing education/re-examination upon commission renewal. Some states have no training for their notaries public. Some must also first serve as an apprentice before being commissioned or licensed to practice their profession. In some countries, even licensed lawyers, e.g., barristers or solicitors, must follow a prescribed specialized course of study and be mentored for two years before being allowed to practice as a notary (e.g., British Columbia, England). However, notaries public in the U.S., of which the vast majority are lay people, require only a brief training seminar and are expressly forbidden to engage in any activities that could be construed as the unlicensed practice of law unless they are also qualified attorneys.

This is why Notaries are essential to preserving the public trust, as they ensure the integrity of documents while protecting the rights of all parties involved.

Also, the capacity of the parties to sign and execute the document will not be doubted, as the notary has checked this before the document was signed.

The accessibility and availability of a notary impact the convenience of notarization services. Notaries with flexible hours accommodate clients with varying schedules. Mobile notary services, for example, offer convenience by traveling to clients, which is crucial for those unable to visit an office due to disabilities or remote locations.

The rule as to where the document should be notarized depends on the type of document, if it deals with the transfer of real property such as lands and buildings, then the document should be notarized in the city or municipality where said property is located. With other types of documents, the rule is that the document should be notarized in the place where the parties are residents.

The Roman notary, known as a “notarius,” first established the administrative functions still seen today. Various historical periods saw the expansion of notarial duties, adapting to legal and social requirements.

For instance, if a person acquires a house in a deed of sale that is notarized, the parties to the said document as well as third parties must follow and respect what it states and the legal effects it produces (i.e. transfer of ownership).

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Mobile notary services offer the convenience of flexibility, accommodating clients’ varied schedules and needs. They are especially beneficial for those unable to visit an office due to remote locations or disabilities, ensuring accessible and efficient notarization services.

For example, in the following documents the law does not provide for their mandatory notarization, but notarization could be recommended due to the importance of the statements or contents found therein:

Wills and estate planning – preparation and searches of last wills and testaments, advance directives, Remote Online Notary representation agreements and power of attorney

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